With our Ultra Fast Fill System™, we provide our customers with the highest efficiencies of CNG components – safe, quick, ultra fast cool fills. We began as the maintenance division of the Gisborne Oasis soft drink brand, but were cut loose during rationalization in the 80s.
Afterwards, we quickly established a strong reputation as a partner that reliably produced close-tolerance machined parts in difficult to work materials: stainless steel and titanium. With this reputation, we started to produce high quality parts for the CNG industry, which are used in more than 40 countries.
We supply standard products of our own design as well as customized versions. Our innovations and the constant desire to implement the very best ensures our customers a smooth running business.
We are certified to ISO9001 and our products are tested independently to CRN, CE, ISO15500, Pi, PED, TPED, and other quality assurance programs.